LOVECRAFT is a Playing Circle for young adults from 11 to 14 to create their own videogame character in a safe and fun space. We invite you to this Circle of Play for a free mini-workshop this coming Saturday 29th of August 2020 from 3 to 4:30 pm, via Zoom. The course will last 5 more sessions of 90 minutes each, with only 10 participants. See and experience what LOVECRAFT can mean to your son and daughter.
How do they know if they are in love and that they are reciprocated? No one likes to feel rejected and everyone wants to be accepted. Playing LOVECRAFT will empower players to be more prepared to face their current life challenges, be more confident, and manage emotions like anger, sadness, or feeling isolated.
Previous participants of LOVECRAFT have improved the quality of their relationships at home and at school.
Parents reported a significant change of behaviour, in a good way, where previously seemed to be angry all the time, reactive or intolerant with siblings. All of the players, after the 2nd session became more communicative at home, self-aware, relaxed, and cheerful; less reactive, or aggressive in family dynamics.
Feedback from participants was positive, expressing they had fun during the process of creating their own videogame character, and they wish to continue to LEVEL II. LOVECRAFT gave them the confidence they needed and their own sense of achievement. Some improved at school after building their identity profile. Participants tell in their own words. https://vimeo.com/448991548
Players design their powers and qualities they need to achieve the objective of LEVEL I: The goal of the game is to reach THE HEART OF GOLD.
LEVEL II: THE GOLDEN FLEECE. Extract of the first class: https://vimeo.com/448993619
THERE ARE 4 LEVELS and each level has its golden objective.
Like the videogames they play, it is key for players to know the rules to win. In LOVECRAFT they find a sense of belonging, where they feel listened to, develop and keep growing, through their character, into the best version of themselves,
Players learn to communicate better with themselves and their parents. They also could be able to see through the point of view of others, by seeing through their eyes and putting themselves in their shoes.
LOVECRAFT allows them to discover who they are in a playful way and who they would like to become, which world they choose to live in and how to adapt and interact better with others, when they need allies and develop friendships.
LOVECRAFT allows them to turn their weakness into strengths, as well as to acknowledge and be reassured in their own strengths and powers that already belong to them.
Once their identity is designed they can interact with other players and form alliances to gain access to be able to cross portals to other worlds.
Benefits for players of LOVECRAFT:
*Stimulate creativity and learn communication tools to have a better relationship with self and others.
*Know their preferred communication styles through their own character and how best to the interact with others.
*Feel supported and comfortable to express themselves without the fear of being judged or criticised.
*Identify with their own ideal, which will become their unique projection of self, with the powers and qualities.
* The journey and the levels to build their profile is a step by step process that includes self- discovery, based on their personal essence, not to please others or just to be accepted by a group.
*They choose what to become by designing the ideal scenario for their character, to feel and behave like they could become. As they grow into it, readjusting and readapting becomes necessary, while they face themselves in that reflection.
LOVECRAFT is an interactive game in 4 levels, a safe circle of play, fun and transforming sustainable experience for teenagers from 11 to 14.