
Katiushka Borges has published 2 books, part of the anthology “En los brazos de Eros” (In the arms of Eros) in 1992, and continously writes in her blog and in different publications online an offline.

EnlosbrazosdeErosEn los Brazos de Eros (In the Arms of Eros) is a compilation of short stories by the Venezuelan authors: Katiushka Borges, Gustavo Luis Carrera, Igor Delgado Senior, Salvador Garmendia, Juan Liscano, Julio Miranda, Stephania Mosca, Cristina Policastro, Ednodio Quintero, Gonzalo Ramírez Cubillán, Denzil Romero y Javier Vidal. it was published by the subsidiary of the publishing house Grijalbo/Mondadori  (Random House) in Venezuela, in 1992. The book is in Spanish.

The short story included in this book, ‘Madame Çikita ‐ A sixth dimension passion’, was adapted to the cinema and exhibited at I & II Latinamerican Festivals of Short Film & Video, Caracas, Venezuela. Listed in the top 10 New Venezuelan Cinema. A sensory multimedia installation, Madame Çikita was exhibited including drawings, paintings, video and the short story displayed in gigantic panels at Casa Rómulo Gallegos, in Caracas Venezuela, in 1996.

Secretos de Seducción para Amantes como Uno (Secrets of Seduction for Lovers like Us) it is a collection of short stories and aphrodisiac erotic recipies to keep a partner in love while reading day by day erotic tales to spice up the love life.  Enticing menus to keep the heart and the body satisfied. The boSecretosdeSeduccionok was published in 1996 by Grijalbo, in Venezuela, in Spanish .

How to Become a Tastier Lover  takes you from that initial flashy moment when one meets that special one, to the day after, with practical insights in how to keep that relationship going. With this book you will follow a six week programme to improve your skills as a loving person: (You can also Play the interactive Love Game, and see whether you are compatible with that person you fancy or check the temperature of your relationship with the one you are with) if you log on

  • week one: follow the six steps of falling in love
  • week two: identify what makes you tick
  • week three: experiment with your senses
  • week four: test how you relate
  • week five: open yourself to give and receive
  • week six: change what doesn´t make you happy

Apart from these books, Borges has been writing the weekly column Té para Dos (Tea for Two) for Latinamerican Newspaper Express News, in London from 2011 to 2013.


While the TE PARA DOS, column was published, I gave telephone ‘free love and relationship advice’ for Latinamerican residents in London. Katiushka Borges is currently preparing a series of 4 books to empower women, entitled ‘From Victim to Warrior Princess’, for the publishing company, part of daily newspaper EL NACIONAL. Caracas, Venezuela. (Project which unfortunately was cancelled due to the political and economical situation in Venezuela, where there was no paper to print the Newpapers). However, I am writing it now the full book in one volume, and it will be published as soon as I get a new publisher interested on healing the victim to reawaken the warrior in women.